Monday, November 17, 2008


Technology is GREAT. We have the capability to do something in an eye blink that would have taken hours and hours without it. And, of course, this gives us lots of time to devote to hobbies, recreation, etc.
However, it can also be overwhelming. There is so much out there that no one can keep up with everything, so one must be discriminating.
Sometimes the instructions aren't the best. Once learned, the directions are often simple, but getting around instructions that are badly written or that use a lot of tech slang can be difficult to overcome.
I'm also extremely weary of redoing or losing things. I mean transferring or re-buying (or, I repeat, losing) movies, for example, from Beta to VHS to DVD to Blu Ray. I am especially piqued at losing things. But when the technology becomes a dinosaur, who can fix the machines that run the software even if the VHS cassettes are still good?
But technology IS exciting, challenging, and stimulating and it helps to keep me from becoming an old fuddy duddy, so I try to keep up. Emphasis on Try.

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